Saturday, December 23, 2006

~I Have Been Chosen~

Lately I have been thinking about my next couple of years and where God might want me. Questions spring in my head like….

What am I going to be doing this summer?

Where am I going this summer?

Where are you calling me God?

Where am I going after I graduate?

What will I do?

What do you want from me?

What can I do?

Let tell me you I am not worried at all I am more just thinking about what God is planning for me in the next couple of years. It is rather exciting. I look to God for direction and guidance with these questions. I give them all over to Him. I give my thoughts, my dreams, and my life to Him.
One thing that has been popping up for me in the last little while is Ephesians 1 after I read that chapter I found it very encouraging to me especially where I am right now. I encourage you all to read or re-read it. It is so good. There were a couple verses that really stuck out to me I’ll share a few with you.

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession—to the praise of his glory.

When I read these verses and the rest of chapter one, I really felt God speaking that into me. I felt him confirming my thoughts and my questions. Saying ‘everything is in my hands Jessie, just trust me.’ I felt so encouraged. I find that every time I read it I feel more and more wrapped in God arms. I feel the peace of Christ all around me. I so encouraged. FOR HE IS AMAZING GOD!!! HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I want to be wrapped in His Glory!! Thank You Jesus!!!!
Take these verses and be ecouraged. Make these your own between you and God.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Breathe in
Breathe out

Every breath I take
I breathe in Your Kingdome
You’re Holy Spirit
You’re Creation
You’re Glory

Breathe in
Breathe out

I absorb the quietness
The moment
Where I am with You

Jesus said
Fear not
I am
With you

In the Stillness
You are there

Be Still
And know
I am
~ Psalm 46:10

Thank you Jesus, for You are so great and Your love is unchanging. For you breathed life into me.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Little bit of an update from moi

-> Yesterday was my one and only exam
-> All done classes and exams!!! YAY

-> 6 days till I head home to my family
-> Tomorrow night I am in a Christmas play at my church
-> From the 20th to the 22nd myself and all the other student are doing a mission
-> 22nd I head home for the Christmas Holidays
-> 23rd My older sister comes home from Alberta for Christmas. So excited to see her.
-> 24th Christmas Eve!
-> 25th Christmas day! Happy Birthday Jesus!!! Happy Birthday Christian!!

God has been showing things He wants to clear out of me. I can say some things are easy and well others… not so much. What I can say is that I do like the feeling of being clean and I like it most when Jesus cleans me. I am finding the Lord taking things that I do and that are natural to me and saying-‘get rid of this and that’ I love my Father as my Father loves me. I Thank God, for showing me where I am wrong so I can continue to pursue Him more deeply.

Just wanted to share with you a little bit of what is going on for me.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 10, 2006

~Truly Was An Answer To Prayer~

Today was an amazing day!! It truly was an answer to prayer. Many of you know my Dad. Many of you also know that he is a solid believer in Christ. Many of you don't know that I have dreamed of the day where my dad can see for himself where I go to church and how the community here worships God as one body. I had been praying for this day for a while, that my dad and I could worship together and he could see me worshiping God in a different setting than he is use to.

My dad drove here just to go to church with here today!!! We got to church and he and my pastor hit it off right away. As I was singing and worshipping I felt so thankful that my dad was able to come to church with me. I began thank God for His goodness. As I stood there next to my dad worshipping my heavenly Father, I began to cry with tears of happiness. This truly was an answer to prayer!! My dad said he really enjoyed the service and loved what my pastor had to share. He also said that he had preached on something very similar to that the week before so it was really good.

Thank you so much Jesus. You are so faithful and so wonderful. I love you so much! Continue to do what you’re doing in me.!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

~Where Are The Women and Young Girls?~

I just recently write a paper for school of Chinese women and girls, and why they are missing. The question is why are there so many women and young girls missing in China? It is because there are people form Easter Europe that human traffic these women and young girls. They become poverty to pimps. What are they used for? Their jobs are now to sell their bodies for money. This sickens me. My hearts breaks for these people. The pimps have complete control over them. They can torture them, chain them, drug them, and put in them into brothel homes. There are young girls as young as 4 are being rapped on a daily basis. Jesus help people. The sex trade is a multi - billionaire industry. These women have no choice but to do have say they are told. Their lives have been snatched away from them. It hurts me so much. This isn't just happening to Chinese the women; it’s going on all over the world. This is the slavery of the 21st century.

God please I am asking for a break through. I am pray for freedom from slavery. Change the hearts of these people who are buying the women and children. Have these people turn the hearts to you Jesus.

It's time to be praying for women and young girls all around the world who have been bought into sex slavery. JESUS SHOW YOUR FACE TO THESE PEOPLE!!!! MY HEART ACHES! IT BREAKS!!!

Human Trafficking video on Youtube.

It's worth watching.

God Bless you this day

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Lately I have been praying for the salvation of my friends from high school. God has laid them heavy on my heart.Monday night I remember I had a dream.

In my dream I was crusade or something it was take place underneath with huge tent. I remember John Crowder was there and he was praying for people by laying on of hands. The only people there I knew were all my friends my high school. I remember John was first laying hands on all the guys. I looked over and these guys I once knew unbelievers were getting filled with the Holy Spirit. I saw some of them weeping.I saw hearts being changed and transformed. I saw that there was conviction in their eyes. I remember looking around and almost being in tears because I had been praying for this day for so long.

Then John came over to me, I didn't look at him I was so focused on what God was in all my friends that I never even thought about myself. As John got closer I felt the presences of the Holy Spirit on him. It was so thick. I remember there was some of my friends standing behind me incase I fell.

Jesus you are so good. I love you so much. You how much I care for my friends. I pray that you will continue to work in them and show them more of who you are. I pray that they will stop rejecting you and begin accepting you. JESUS THEY NEED YOU!! If anyone feels the Lord is saying something to you about this dream please feel free to let me know. Thanks!

Monday, November 27, 2006

~Fervent Prayer~

Alright so last night I attempted to post a blog but then my laptop froze on me and I wasn't very happy. It has been amazing though with everything God has been showing in the last couple of days. I am so marveled by His works and His beauty.

I have been re-reading Revelation and last night Christian and I ended up talking a lot about it. It was really cool what we both had to share about it.

Revelation 4: 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
Holy, holy holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was , and is, and is to come.

Imagine declaring God's praise day and night. Not because someone told you to or because it was some sort of conference and everyone was doing it. But because YOU wanted to pray and declare His name DAY AND NIGHT WITH NO STOPPING!!!! HOLY HOLY HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! WHO WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME!!!

Picturing the four creatures saying this over and over again to me is so beautiful. It's a fervent pray.

Lately The Lord has been showing me over and over again the words 'fervent prayer.' I really feel God is taking me into a season of fervent prayer. Fervent Prayer - passionate, intense, sincere, enthusiastic, fiery.I feel like something has changed in me after last night something good, something wonderful. I feel even closer to God then the night before. I love Jesus so much. I only want more of Him. I hope that this blog isn't just another blog for you; I hope it's not just a bunch of words on a screen to you. I hope you realize I am sharing my heart with you. I am sharing my personal relationship with Jesus Christ with you.

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come!!!

Revelation 8: 1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

Oh wow!!! Silence in heaven? Imagine all those crying holy to the Lamb, all the elders all those who were worshiping God, all of heaven went silent. I can't even picture it. Can you? It's so powerful to think about it. All of those creatures who were crying Holy, Holy, Holy... day and night were silent when the seventh was being opened.

I want to know You more Jesus, I want to know more about you. The only I can verbally express right now is that I love You Lord. I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! GOD YOU SO GOOD!!! SO POWERFUL!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

~I Love You Dad~

I know it has been a while since I last blogged. I was just taking a break. God has been showing me so much. Taking little simply things in my life that I already knew but God would give me more of revelation about it. It has been amazing. God you are so good to me.

One thing God revealed to was something so amazing. It was during the Miracles in the Maritimes conference. The plan was that my dad would be coming to the conference during the Saturday sessions but it turned out that Friday night when I came home I got a message that he would not be at the conference. I was disappointed because I really wanted to see him there. Then during worship at the conference I began to pray and intercede for him. I began to cry because I knew how much I loved my dad and how much I wanted to see him there. Then I began to cry harder because it was then God showed me something amazing. He was showing me how much my dad loved me and then how much more God my father loves me. Then I became very thankful that my dad did a very good job at showing me and teaching about who Jesus is since I was a young girl. Also by him being my dad and being the father figure in my life
he did not defile my perception on Jesus.

I have to say that where I am today is hugely influenced by my dad. I looked up to my dad in so many ways. I love listening to him speak about his fiery relationship with God. He has such wisdom and understanding. All I can say is that I love my dad and I love him more for introducing me to Jesus.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

~Miracles in the Maritimes~


Hey Everyone!

Reminder that there is a conference in Saint John at the Trade and Convention center. It begins November 2 and run till Novemeber 4th. Thursday evening, all day Friday and all day Saturday. I encourage everyone to go. The speakers are Brian Simmons and John Crowder. The worship is lead by Mike Smith. It's a worship conference everyone is welcome. It's $25 for a student and $45 for adults. I hope to see you there.

Come and bring all your friends! John Crowder will be speaking.....I think if not it will be Brian. Come!! The Friday night session starts at 7:00pm! God Bless you all!

Monday, October 30, 2006

~Your Daughter~

I am your daughter, a lover of you, my Father.
You died for me, for my sins.
You have washed me clean with your blood.
You have me in your arms
And have never stopped loving me
You take amazing care of me
You have been so faithful to me

When I call on you I know you are there
I wait for the day that I can sit on your lap.
I look around and see the creativeness you have.

Who would have thought of clouds so white and fluffy?
Only You Lord
Who would have thought of the different seasons in a year?
Only you Lord
Who would have thought of all the different animals and their names?
Only you Lord.

I want more of you.
Change me inside and out
Clean me
I love you

I want to dance with you

I want to laugh with you
I want to run with you
I want to sing with you
I want to walk with you
I want you to be the center of my life
I love you, I want you.

Here I am, your daughter Jessica.
Use me to your will. I am your servant
I worship, I will live every inch of my life
for you, You are the King of Kings.
I find joy in walking your path of light

Thank you Jesus
You are the ultimate Father.

I love you

Your daughter


Friday, October 27, 2006

~The Healing Power of God~

Last night we had youth group here at the college. There were about 8 of us in total. It was the most amazing night ever. We began by going around the room and encouraging each other. It was so moving to hear what these youth had to say about each other.

At the end of the night we decided to pray for healing on those you needed healing. We sat together in a tight circle. One of the youth sat in the middle of the circle so we could pray for her. We didn't lay hands on her or anything we left that we wanted to first wait on the Lord to find what He wanted to do and if there was a certain person that God wanted to use to pray over this girl. After waiting on the Lord for a little while,we asked if anyone was getting anything. Two girls said they were feeling tingling and heat in their hands and another felt the same but she also felt oil in her hands. It was amazing. One of these three girls prayed for the girl in the middle and she was instantly healed from her neck soreness and cough. God totally lead youth group and move in the way He wanted move. Praise the Lord for is good.It was amazing watching these young people be used by God.
1Timothy 4:11-13
Command and teach these things. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.

God is so good. No can say that children or youth are too young to hear from God. God is a powerful God and He can do anything and work through anyone He desires. Praise God for is healing power!! :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

~When I am weak, then I am Strong!~

My thoughts right now are flowing. I cannot get over all the things God is doing for me lately. I want to thank him for the great forgiveness he has for me and everyone. I am in such awe of Him lately. I feel like he stripping me away. It's a good thing. It is really hard but I know it’s rewarding in end. It enjoy in my sufferings. Who am I to say 'I am suffering though?' Have I never suffered like Jesus or even Paul? No. What God is having me walk through is nothing to what Jesus did for e on the cross.Thank you Jesus for being my friend and holding me close you in every area of my life.

Lately people have saying to me "Jess you are so real." Honestly I really do not see that in myself. I can tell you that I am not hiding anything and I will be honest with people. I speak the truth in love. I guess it's just one of those things that I never saw in myself .... real. Hmmm maybe it's something to think about. It's something I continue want to be better at with everyone.I feel weak and helpless. I look to God for strength.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
I am so in love with God right now. I cannot get over how much He has done for me. How great is the love God lavishes on us! I am a sinner, I do mess up. I don't want to pretend I am someone that I am not. My desire is to be transparent. I want to be a carrier of God's glory. I also do not want to hide my sufferings. Remember we share in our sufferings. Some days it can really suck to be real with someone. I can sit and say though it encourages me. God doesn't call us to frost things over with the word 'nice'. He wants us to be imitators of Him. In doing that we must be real and speak the truth in Love and be obedient to His calling for our life!

Thank you Reed Flemming for all you have taught me through your sufferings. You have no idea how much you have enouraged me. You are a blessing. Thank you. May the Lord himself bless you richly

Friday, October 20, 2006

~Interview with God~

Hey everyone a friend of mine sent me an e-mail with a poem. I want to share it with you. No she didn't write it. It's from a website -
There is a presentation of the poem if you go to that website. It's called Interview with God. Click view presentation. It's a really simple poem. Anyways enjoy.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

~What is Love?~

Yesterday I went to KVHS with Allan and Dan. We were apart of the health fair. Haha we were the “the spiritual” table. We were there to talk to the students about love. We talked to them about the four Greek words of love. Many of you probably already know these words but they were….

- this means affection. It’s the affection you get from your parents. It’s a love we are born into.
Enos – this mean physical, sexual love. Something you would share with someone after you are married.
Phila- This is is taken from the city of Philadelphia. That city stands for the city of brotherly love. So Philia is like the love you would have between yourself and a best friend, that tight connection.
Agage- This means unconditional love, selfless love. We all know the great example of this love is Jesus dying on the cross for us. He gave his life us on the cross.

It was really interesting because some of the questions we would begin conversation with students was …..When you think of the word love what do you think about? What does love mean to you? Has anyone told you they love you? What does someone mean when they tell you they love you?

The reaction of the students was interesting. I know we got some of them thinking, because they never thought about the word love before. One of them said “Love is love, no one thinks about it.” Another person said that “Love is word that is misused too much.” I would have to agree with this person. Then still many people said when asked the question what do you think someone means when they say they love you? They responded by saying “Ah I don’t know…. That they care about me.”

What blew my mind is that they students don’t even know what real love is. They don’t even know what it is to love. Many of them I bet were coming from broken homes. Spilt families, and divorced parents. I bet many of them don’t have the chance to experience love even at home from their family. It was so sad leaving that place and knowing that these students don’t know what REAL love it.

One thing I didn’t mention was that the Challenge for both Allan and I was that we were not aloud to mention what we believed in unless they asked us and we were not aloud to ask them. Also we weren’t aloud to talk about Jesus. We couldn’t pray for them or prophecy. I found it to be a big challenge to evangelize to a group of people with using the name of Jesus. WOW! It really opened my eyes to what some cultures have to do to spread the word. I couldn’t believe it. I learned so much just in that time. I got the chance at just watching students and looking at them and seeing where they are at. God showed me show much. I do know that they definitely need love. They need to know what real love is. Remember God is love and if we don’t know God then we don’t know love.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

~His Bleeding Heart~

I look up
And see
This beautiful
From it
I see it
Drops of

More closely
I saw clear
Spring water
On the outside
Of the heart
The spring water
Began to
With the blood
Side by side

Who’s heart
Is this?
I thought
To myself

It’s my Father’s
His heart
For his people
His love
We will never understand
His agape
For us.

My heart runs
And jumps
For my Father
I want to
Know Him

My thoughts and
My feelings
Are not even
Making sense
Right now

I feel like
Into deep water
I feel like running up
To the highest
And calling out to
With my
Arms stretched
Wide open.

I love You
My heart yearns
For You
Oh God You
Are amazing
I trust you
I give you
My life.

I am here
Your daughter
Here I am
I am Yours
I am listening
To You.
Take me as I am.
I want more.

For the joy
Of the Lord
is my strength

Thank You Jesus
For dying
on the cross
for me
So I could have
A relationship
With You.

Thank You
For your
That bleeds for me
And all your people.
Thank you.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

~Compassion For God's People~

Read - Luke 7:11-16

Now imagine this huge crowd following Jesus into this town. There is probably lots of talking going on. I bet there is children laughing and running in and out of the people around them.

When Jesus arrives at the city gate He sees a widow and not far from her he sees people carrying her dead son. She had already lost her husband and now she has lost her only son. Her heart is torn. She clearly has gone through a lot. Imagine being like this woman, losing your husband or wife, and then not long later losing your only child.

What would your heart be feeling?

Would you be mad?

Would you be confused?

I know it’s awful to think about it but this real. This woman was probably feeling these emotions. I bet she probably doubted if God even loved her, because her son and her husband have both been taken away from her.

Instantly Jesus’ heart went out to this woman. He went to up her and said “Don’t cry.”

Here I like picture Jesus walking up to the woman and looking at her straight in the eyes and giving her this loving and compassionate smile while saying don’t cry.

After saying this to the woman Jesus walks over to the coffin and touches it!!!

The touching of the coffin was uncalled for. It was very uncleanly for someone to touch the coffin of a dead person. By Jesus touching the coffin He risked being made “unclean”. Obviously that didn’t matter Jesus.

The story is not even over and Jesus has drawn people to watch what is going on.

1.He goes the widow and says ‘don’t cry’. Who says that to someone who has lost both their husband and their son?
2.He goes and touches the coffin of a dead person.

No one asked for help from Jesus, but Jesus saw the problem and acted upon it, because He loved them.
Now as He is touching the coffin He says “Young man, I say to you get up!”
As soon as Jesus said those words, the young man sat up and began to talk. Then Jesus handed Him over to his mother.

Now this would be number 3. Jesus raises someone from the dead.

Now I imagine the crowds heads turned and are wondering what just happened.

Don’t you see when Jesus said “Young man, I say to you get up!” He was giving an order. That order completely destroyed and defeated death.

This story is incredible. You really get a feel of Jesus’ heart for the people.

Why does it seem so hard sometimes for us to reach out to these people?

God has been teaching a lot lately about outreach. I know sometimes when we think of the word outreach we think of gathering together people and doing some sort of organization to reach out to a certain crowd of people. Yes this is outreach…..but I believe that outreach should be way of life not something that we do as we gather together to organize something. You see, Jesus constantly reached out to the people and showed real love and compassion for them.

Why are we so afraid to show love and compassion?

One thing God has lain on my heart in last year or so is love. He has been teaching me what love really is. He has been teaching me about real agape love.

Agape is unconditional love. He has been teaching to agape people who don’t agape me.
Love is one of those things that we think we know what it is all about but it’s probably something we don’t look into enough.

We constantly need to be asking God to show us how to love, teach us what love is and what does love look like. These are all simple questions but important questions. I believe as we reflect on questions such as these we build a stronger relationship with Jesus and then He will us a heart to reach out, just as Jesus did. But we must not be afraid.

2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

~Little Update for October~

October has come and I am well into the school year. I am placed at Grace Harvest Church. I am really excited about being there and being apart of that community. I am excied for all the things God has planed for me this year.

The month of September was great. I really got to know the rest of the students. There is a girl in my house named Hilary. She is a first year student and she come all the way from B.C!! She is crazy. I am also living with Susan who is from Newfoundland. I lived with her last year. I love her. Then I am also living with Rachel who is from Ontario. She is really nice. Yes that is right there are 4 girls living together from all different parts of Canada! It's great!

Most nights guys with call our house and we will all hang out. Sometimes we will watch a movie or play dutch blitz. If we don't do that, we normally head to the chapel to worship as a community. I love it because we know each other so well. We are able be open and honest with each other. Things are going great around here and I am happy we are such a tight group of people. I know I can say this a mean it in every way, that we have such a tight bond with each other we are like a family. We are a family.

Here are some pictures....

Erin (second year student), Myself (second year student) and Hilary(first year student). Erin and I dyed our hair and Hilary cut her bangs. We cut Erin's as well.

Katie( first year student) and I being silly in her car! haha Hilary( first year student) relaxing in our living room

Susan and Rachel ( both 3rd year students) at a bonfire.Christian(3rd year student) and I at the bonfire at mispec beach

Well that is all for now friends. Just wanted to give you a little update of what has been happening.

Peace out

Friday, September 22, 2006

~Do You Like Deep Water?~

Luke 5: 1-11

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."

Jesus blessed Simon with lots of fish. So much fish they needed two boats to hold it and even then the boats began to sink. Imagine having so much fish that there was no possible way for you to carry it in your boat without your boat beginning to sink?

Jesus uses the situation with the fish for Simon to come and follow Jesus as His disciple.
Jesus said “Put out into DEEP WATER. Maybe Simon wasn’t in a deep enough area for catching fish. What Jesus really wanted was for Simon step out in faith and PUT his nets in to deep water.

Let’s look at this for ourselves. Many times when I think of deep water I think of, sharks, lots of fish, whales, jellyfish and lots of other kinds of sea creatures.

I know I am not much of a lover of water or swimming at that. I am a go-in-get-wet and get out kind of person. If that was my life with God do you think He would be happy with me? I do know He would want to see better in me. God does not want to see us in the shallow end. He wants us in the deep end, catching the “fish”.

What is the deep end? It’s when we let God use us to every opportunity and we obey Him fully even when it might be extremely hard. Also it’s when we use our gifts to His glory.
One of Simon’s gifts would have been the obvious, fishery. Even though he was out in the water all the time he used that gift to God’s glory.

When Jesus told Simon to put his out into deep water Simon did. He obeyed God. He had no idea to why Jesus was asking him to do it but he did it anyways.

That is what God wants to see in us. He wants to see that He can tell us to do something and then for us to do it.

After Simon catches all the fish Jesus says to Simon “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”

Jesus is saying that Simon is going evangelize to the people and bring them to true life with Jesus Christ. It’s almost as though Jesus is sending Simon out.

Now looking at ourselves again we are as well called to “catch men” We all know the great commission.
Matthew 28:18-20
The Jesus came to them and said; “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Now just as God called Simon to the deep water, so does God call us to the deep water.

Think of it this way. At football game or a soccer game, there will be people standing on the side lines watching and then there will be people in the game playing. God does not want us standing on the side lines watching He wants us in the field. He wants us want us to give it all we got under HIS couching!!

So now let me ask you some questions.

Do you like deep water?

Where are you in your life with God?

Are you in the shallow end by the shore?

Or are you in the deep end giving it all you have for God?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

~God WOWED Me Today~

Tonight my house mate Hilary and I went to aerobic. I really enjoy it because it's a christian community of all of women who love and serve the Lord. It's amazing. One thing the aerobics instructor got us to think and pray about were things such as worship, discipleship, ministry, mission and fellowship.

It was interesting because as I was standing there doing my thing I really began to think and I was thinking hard on these things. I prayed about them as well. I really felt God's presence over whelm me as I was there. I felt such peace when began to think about them and pray about them . I also felt God teaching and giving me questions to think about. Kind of like the child again. I was amazing. I was so moved. The questions God laid on my heart were :

Do we really know what it means to worship God our King?
Do we really know what it mean to be a disciple of God our King?
Do we really know what ministry is in the eyes of God our King?
Do we really know what mission means to God our King?
Do we really know what it means to fellowship as God our King did?

Please don't get the idea that I am stressing out over these question because I am not. I feel really God's peace over these questions. I really that with these He take me to a deeper level. I want to know more and more about God. He excites me every day. It's so neat how God can teach you in the simplest and smallest ways but they seem SO HUGE to you personally. HA! I love it! GOD YOU ARE GREAT!! Maybe this all sounds so off the wall to everyone, but even if it is I want you to know that God has changed me inside and out and that He got me thinking about simple things in a BIG way. It's hard to explain but I love it. If you do understand what I saying I hope you were able to get something out of this. Well I must go. I am getting way too excited right now. May God Bless you all always in all that you do.

John 4:24~ God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship him in spirt and in truth.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

~Like Father, Like Daughter~

God has been laying a lot on my heart lately. I have been in a major thinking mode lately. I am really enjoying it. It has been drawing me closer and closer to God. Questions pop up in my head like "How can someone serve the Lord and have many people be influenced by them in a good way and then walk away from God as if it was nothing?" Questions running through my head such as "where are their hearts?" It hurts me deeply because I truly love them and my heart breaks for them. People that I looked up and respected have fallen away or are being tempted.

One question that keeps coming to me is "What if all your friends left me Jessie? Would you still you follow me with all your heart?" I am at place where it's just God and I and I only know to know Him more. I don't want to ever get in a place where I depend on other people for faith or idolize their faith. I am thirsty, I want more.

I really think God is taking me back to a place of simplicity. I go to God and ask Him the simplest questions, but I ask because they are on my heart. I'll lay in my bed thinking and asking God why about so many different situations. I feel like a child asking her father why and watching him intensely so I can grow and be like him. I can’t even fully express the feelings I have right now. I feel like I am going to explode. I am so fascinated by Him.

Psalm 42:1-2
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

~My Father's House~

Luke 2:41-52
Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”

Let’s look at this verse in the perspective of Mary and Joseph. Imagine yourself as one of them you’re looking every where for your little boy. You are worried of where he might be. You search for him for 3 days. Then finally you find him. You are so relived! The first thing your boy says to you when you find him is
“Why were you looking for me?”
Let’s stop for a second.

You have been traveling for 3 days, searching high and low for your little boy. You were worried sick about him. That is not exactly something you would expect out of anyone that you haven’t seen in 3 days. You are probably a little taken back by that question. Then your little boy continues to say to you “do you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
Alright so by now you are probably really thrown off by everything your boy has just said to you.

Jesus was a boy of only 12 years. When he asked his parents “Do you not know that I must be in my Father’s house”? Jesus was not referring to Joseph. He was talking about his own personal relationship with God. He realized he had something special with God. So when he was talking about his father’s house he was talking about God not Joseph. Joseph is only Jesus’ ‘legal’ father. Also it was strict that no Jew would call God ‘Father’. So when Jesus said to His parents ‘I must be in my Father’s house’ it showed His love for His heavenly Father. He had desire to walk out all that God was calling him to do through out his entire life. Jesus walked in complete obedience and humility.

What I really enjoy about this is that Jesus was only 12 and He had wisdom that no one could understand. He had a desire to be in God’s presence and to have a personal relationship with Him. Jesus leads by example. He wants us to enter into God’s presence, to seek after Him, to love him and obey Him.

Just think we are the temple of the God, the temple of the Holy Spirit. We have the privilege of God reigning within our hearts.

1 Corinthians 6: 19
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

How does it make you feel knowing that God is living within you?

He dwells within us, already knowing everything about us. The Spirit that lives in us is the same Spirit that formed the heavens and the earth.

So what are we going to do about this?

Are we going just stay complacent and not pursue a deeper relationship with the King who finds His home in our hearts?

Or are we going to pursue God who chases us everyday?

Seek after Him as He seeks after us. Do you thirst and hunger for more of a deeper and intimate relationship with Him?

Do we, like Jesus want to be in our Father’s house?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

~The Skate Competition~

Well today we had the skate competition. I have to say that it turn very well. In our head we were all expecting something like 20 or 30 but we ended up with way more then 20 0r 30. It was a great day. The weather was perfect.
Here are some pictures of the afternoon.

Thank you to all those you helped out and also thank to everyone who prayed for us before and during the skate comp. God work wonders today! All glory goes to Him.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

~First week at Taylor~

Well it's been a wonderful first week at school. I have enjoyed getting to know all the new students. I live with 3 other girls. They are Hilary, Susan, and Rachel. They are all great girls and awesome to hang out with.

This week all the students have been working on an outreach for the end. We are planning on having a skate comp. tomorrow at Stone church. It should be amazing. We are using the Stone church parking lot and bringing in ramps and all the rest of that crazy like skater stuff.

Last night the LDP'S ( Leadership Development Program - people), and Erin and I went how to a movie. It was really nice to get away from the school for a night as well as see some new faces.

Oh and tonight Erin, Hilary and I are dying are hair. This is my night with Erin before she heads out to Victoria, B.C. We chowed now on such yummy nachos earier in the night!

This has been a great week with great people. I am really pumped for a new year at Taylor College. I am excited to learn and I am excited for my placement. This will be good.


Well Erin I cannot believe your heading to B.C
I cannot believe the friendship I have been able to develop with you over this past year. I am so thankful we got to know each other the way we do today. You are a radical woman of God. Sometimes I wonder if your even human. I love you so much. So are so wacky and freaking funny. I could go on and on about you but I that would take too long, plus I really don't know how interesting this is for anyone else who may be reading this. Erin I pray that God will provide for you in every area possible. May He show you Himself in whole new way. May you fully experience God and His powerful healing. I pray that you may walk in boldness and couragousness. May you walk like a lion, in boldness and ready to leap into faith. I have learned so much from you Erin. You have taught me so much in my own walk with God. Thank you so much. I look up to you as a sister. Thank you for being such a great best friend. I love you.

P.s sorry for being so sappy and cheesey

Well that is all tonight. Peace out everyone.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Something that God has hit me hard with lately is His eternity. There are simpley no words, pictures or actions that can show or describe eternity. As humans we will never be able to fully comperhend eternity.

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

I guess this has been on my mind a lot lately. Working at camp and having little 8 year olds saying " but Jessie, there has to be a begining and an end. It doesn't make sense!"
That is it! It simply does not make sense to us. The way humans think is that everything has a beginging and an end. Everything is born and everything dies. Everything ages and grows old. It's amazing what you can beging really ponder about when you have little 8 year olds asking you these questions. I have learned so much from my campers it's crazy. God used them to teach me about simple things that we often forget about.

I love the thought of knowing that God has been hear the whole time. Think about it.....
The WHOLE time. I really I don't think many of us stop to think about it enough. I mean truly thinking about God's eternity. I certiantlly don't think we give God all the credit He deserves.

The sky we look at night is the same sky God created when he first created the earth. Wow! That thought seriously brings chills up my spin. God is so big and creative. Think about it...... Who would come up with trees. Like look how they are shaped. Seriously it's crazy. Or a zebra! Now we are talking hahah the name alone is cool and then the colors. Wow God is not a boring God. Let's take a look at a giraffe. HUGE long neck and spots. Wow. Everything God created is beautiful. I really don't have a lot to share but I guess I wanted to more write down my thoughts. I guess I have a much more of a apperication of God's creation and His eternity. I love stopping and thinking about it. ETERINTY

Monday, August 28, 2006

~Hard Good Byes and Welcoming Hellos~

Left : That would be my brother Alastair and I being silly at camp. I am going to miss you Al. I love you so much.

Well Camp is all over now. I have week and a bit before I head to Saint John for school. I'm heading into my second year but because myself and Erin are the only 2 second year students we are going to be doing our 3rd year work in our second year. Then 3rd year we will do our second year work. I know it sounds crazy and confusing. I have one week to unpack all my stuff from camp and then repack for a year in Saint John.

I am looking forward to this upcoming year. I know God has many things in store for me. So all you people who were staff or campers at Camp Medley I just see you in Saint John since most of Camp Medley is from Saint John.

Erin will be leaving to Victoria , B.C. I'm excited for her. She is going to have an amazing time. I going to miss her like crazy though.

Left: My best friend Erin lifeguarding at Camp! I am going to miss when you leave. I know your going to have a wicked time.

Left: Katie and I, at Grace Harvest Home group. I love you all so much. You are a real family to me when I live in Saint John.

Well I'm out for now I'll see everyone soon when I come to Saint John. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. God Bless you all.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

~Camp Medley~

Camp has been amazing. God has been showing me Himself through so many differnt things. Such as the campers, the staff, life style of camp, the love that comes from everyone at around me. It's radical. I wish I could tell you more but I want you to know that God has been doing amazing things at camp and He is not near done.
Thank you Father for all the children you have brought to camp. Thank you for placing them so perfectly with the counsellors they should be with. You are amazing.

Here are some photos of the summer.

This is Abby and myself . All girls week.( she was an amazing camper.)
These are my JT2 girls awesome group of girls. Love ya girls!
D-Hall Staff JT3! Awesome job!
JT3 .Steph and I at camp fire!
Boys and girls 1. Sara and I
God is good.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

~A Little Update~

Just incase your wondering I have not disappeared. I have been really busy working at Camp Medley this summer. I am really enjoying it there. God is doing amazing things. I am so excited for this week. It's junior teen. Those are kids ages 12-15. It's exciting. I am working the dinning hall with my bother and 2 other guys and then the assistant cook Karen and the cook Holly. This week the camp is full. There is 150 campers. Please pray that throughout the summer we get lots of campers coming.

Also next weekend I am going to the church army conference. hahah and guess what! I......yes I finally got a uniform. When I was wearing in the store and looking at myself in the mirror I really scared myself. Only because I could see what was ahead of me for my future. haha Over all the uniform is amazing and I am really happy with it.

I do have a pray request. For the past 3 days I have trouble talking. My throat does not hurt, but my voice is fading away and I really need it at camp and with what I am doing. I really want to share the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone around me. Please pray for healing in my voice. Thank you so much. May God Bless you all.
I hope you are all having an amazing summer.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

~Rend Your Heart~

Well last night as I was lying in my bed I was reading my Bible. I flipped open to Joel and God really spoke using these verses:

Joel 2:12-13

Even now," declares the LORD,
"return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning."

Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the LORD your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.

There are two things God is asking of us to do here in these verses.

1. Return to Him with all your heart
2. Rend your heart and not your garments

Return to me with all your heat.

When I read those words they hit hard. Over this past year God has over and over again shown me how much He cares for me and loves me unconditionally. He telling us that He wants us and ALL of us. Not just 10% or 40%or70% God want 100% and MORE of us!! Think of it this way your earthly father or your mother loves you and they enjoy having conversation with you. As we mature and grow older we begin to see things as they do. It's the same way with God. He enjoys time with us. He enjoys hearing our voice. He loves communicating with us. As we pursue Him he wants to take us to a deeper level. We must continually give him all our heart.

We must to return to our FIRST LOVE.

Revelation 2:4-5 ( The Message)

"But you walked away from your first love—why? What's going on with you, anyway? Do you have any idea how far you've fallen? A Lucifer fall!
"Turn back! Recover your dear early love. No time to waste, for I'm well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.

God's wants to be the first in all our lives. He wants us to be so focused on Him and completely consumed in his Holy Spirit. He wants intimacy with each and every one of us. The question you want have intimacy with Him? Do you want to return to Him with all your heart? Do you want to give 100% and more to Him?
He is chasing after us everyday.... some more obvious then others. I know everyday I want a deeper relationship with God and a higher level of intimacy. Some days it is a real challenge to sit down and read my Bible or Praise God through God. I contend though because I what Jesus did for me and I choose to love God with ALL my heart. No it's never easy....but it is rewarding.

Rend Your Heart

I really began to think about what it means really to rend your heart. Rending our hearts means an act of opening up our hearts. The word rend, means to tear open or apart. So we already know God doesn't only want us to open our hearts but He wants us to REND tear them open.

I think many of us have over used the word open. God wants us to be real with one another and to be open. He wants us to open our hearts to each other but most importantly He wants us to open our heart to Him. Rend our hearts to Him.

Psalm 51:17

The sacrifices of God are
a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.

God wants us to not only be open but be willing to lay everything down before Him. He wants us to Rend out hearts. In the OT people would tear the clothes as an outward sign to anguish, sorrow, or happiness.

Genesis 37:28-29
So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.
When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes.

Are we willing to humble ourselves?

Are we going to continue to hind behind a mask and say "I am being real, I am open"?

Are we willing rend our hearts to God?

Are we willing to let God in our hearts and let him strip away everything that is unpleasing to him?

Are we willing?

Are we willing we return to him with our WHOLE heart?

Are we willing to make in the center of our lives?

Are we willing?

Are you willing?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

~Always Low Prices!~

Alrighty I am only writing this because I am excited! I went out shopping tonight with Erin. I seriously have a whole new love and appreciation for wal-mart. I love that place. EVERYTHING is ALWAYS cheap or on sale! hahaha Oh goodness I can't believe I am writing all this down.

Now I know some of you like do you summer shopping.... well I say go do it ALL at wal- mart. You'll find everything you want there. Remember kids Wal- Mart always low prices....ALWAYS!

Don't forget the wonderful wal-mart staff. They are always on the ball with things. THey are all so very nice and kind to you. They are welcoming and they make you want to come back. Oh no they may not be a good thing for me haha. God Bless Wal-Mart and the workers.

Anyway I had a great day shopping with my bestest pal Erin friend. Everyone go to wal-mart!....EVERYONE!:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

~Be Submersed into Prayer~

Something God has been really hitting me with lately is many scripture verse about prayer. I am so drawn to these verses, about people praying all night or gathering together to pray for a certain issue. People immersed in prayer. Interceding for other people. I know i have the gift of intercession and I love getting together to pray. I see that as a very important thing for the church, to come together and pray and intercede for others as well as minister to one another.

Immersed - To cover completely in a liquid; submerge, to baptize by submerging in water.

The sad thing is that many people do not know what prayer really is. Pray is not just something you do when you go to bed at night and give God your grocery list. Ex. God thank you for Bob, Betty, Tom, and the list can go on. Prayer is something from the heart. It's what you’re feeling and you share those deep feelings with God. Prayer is a way of communication with God. Think about it.... when you pray your praying to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That amazes me; that we have that opportunity to pray to our King whenever we want. God waits patiently only to hear our voice go out to Him. He wants us to talk to him and as we wait he will respond to our prayers.

Prayer - is converse with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him.

Don't you see? God wants intimacy with us! In order for us to have intimacy with God we have to be able to give everything over to God, in doing that, we have prayer to God. We must stop limiting God to our satisfaction. He is much bigger and much more powerful then what we can ever comprehend. Sometimes we limit God saying “this problem is to big for God." or " there is no way God can heal me". Right there that would be someone putting limitations on God. I thinking that God doesn't believe in ceilings in heaven because if your in a room with a ceiling you can only jump so far before you hit that ceiling but you this God there is no ceiling... there is no limit. He wants more of us!

Our God is a God of healing, power, and authority. He is a God of LOVE! We must limiting God!!! Take that leap of faith and say I KNOW GOD I WILL do this!

Some verses that really spoke to me....

Acts 12

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door. When she recognized Peter's voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, "Peter is at the door!"

These takes place when King Herod arrested Peter and put him prison.

Acts 6:3-4

Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."

Now remember we are the light of the world.

Matthew 5:14-15

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

We must keep our lamps burning and bringing oil to them always.

Exodus 27:20

"Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning.

Exodus 30:8

He must burn incense again when he lights the lamps at twilight so incense will burn regularly before the LORD for the generations to come.

Daily incense coming from the lamp stand. The incense is our prayers. Oil only comes from tending the lamp daily.

Are you a fragrance unto the Lord?

Are you tending your lamp stand?

Pray, spend TIME in the presence of God, and in time you will birth a new and higher level of intimacy with God because your spending TIME with Him. Him...God...Your first love.

As soon as we stop limiting God and BELIEVE that God can use us then we can do the works of healing, prophecy, casting out of demons, words of knowledge, words of wisdom etc. Remember faith without deeds is dead.

Psalm 2:8

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.

Colossians 4:2

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Can we say that we do that enough or at all? I know that we will come to together on certain occasions to intercede together but remember Paul says pray continually. We must be submersed in prayer.

Last night as I was having my time with God before I went to bed I was praying to God. I remember I had this vision of this huge fountain with water rushing out from the top and the whole thing was FULL of water. The water was still and glistened in the light. I saw myself go over to the fountain and step right into it. Then I saw God's hand on my head. As His hand was on my head I went all the way in to the water. The word I got as I was in the water was be submersed into prayer. So it's like submersing into water. He wants us to be ALL the way in not just at ankle level. He wants us to take that leap of faith.

What do you think?

What is God saying to you?

Are you limiting God?

Are you an incense to Him?

Do you want intimacy with the King?

Well I am going to end there. That is something that has been burning on my heart for a while but I needed time to make sense of it. I hope everything in this blog is readable and makes sense to you. May God Bless you.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

~Adventures With Little Blue Bell~

Well tonight Jen Mac, Becca Tremblay and I headed to Camp Medley for a visit. I really missed Erin, so I wanted to see her. While we were there we got to see Eric and Brennan as well. Eric and Erin are on Spring maintance for Camp. Becca brought alone her new little puppy with her. The puppy's name is Blue Bell but they just call her Blue for short. It was the cutest thing ever. She actually slept on me most of the night while Jen, Erin and I were visiting and Becca and boys were out in the boat. Here are some pictures of Blue.

See she's only little.

Jen Mac and I with little Blue Bell

Blue and I. I thought it was cute that they had a blue coller for her with a little golden bell on it. hahah

On the way home we stopped at the shell that is just down the road from Camp Medley. We were hungry. The girls got chips and candy and I got my regular coffee and for fun I decided to try something new.... that I now regret! hahah I saw these chips in the store and laughed at them because they looked so weird but I said "hey I won't know what they really taste like till I try them right?"... so I got them. I was NOT impressed!!! :

They are called Veggie Chips.

All I have to say is YUCK YUCK YUCK.YUCK.BARF.COM!!!!!!

See what they look like.... that is what they taste like!! SICK!

Hmmm I should I go back shell and get my money back! Do you think I could really do that?

hah kidding.

Well that is all for now!

Peace out my friend and God Bless you all! :)

P.S NEVER buy veggie chips!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

~Sing to the KING~

Last night I had a dream.
I remember seeing big red barn doors with white siding. All of a sudden they flung open and I saw myself worshipping. The barn was full of people. We were singing the song Sing to the King. I felt that everyone there was declaring who they were in Christ together as one body. I also felt that as we were singing that song we were taking back ground that the enemy had stolen.

Later on in the dream I remember preaching about Stephen from the book of Acts. I was using Acts 6: 15 where Stephen's face looked like an angel.
All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.

I remember as I was preaching I began to talk about open heavens. I read from Acts 7: 54-56 where Stephen saw the glory of the Lord and the heavens opened up.
When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."

Each time I used scripture in my dream I remember seeing my Bible in my hands in front of me.

These are the words to the song Sing to the King

Sing to the King

Sing to the King Who is coming to reign
Glory to Jesus, the Lamb that was slain
Life and salvation His empire shall bring
And joy to the nations when Jesus is King

Come, let us sing a song
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus
He is all we need
Lift up a heart of praise
Sing now with voices raised to Jesus
Sing to the King

For His returning we watch and we pray
We will be ready the dawn of that day
We'll join in singing with all the redeemed
'Cause Satan is vanquished and my Jesus is King'

I am not entirely sure of what this dreams might mean but if God shows you something through this please let know. Thank you.

Monday, May 29, 2006

~Weekend Adventures~

The weekend was so beautiful. The weather was amazing. Saturday my brother Alastair drove down to Saint John. He went to visit Dee’s and I went to visit Christian in Hampton. While I was there I had the chance I visit with his parents and his younger brother Byrann.

Christian and I took a good hike to the bank. When I say hike...I mean it was a hike. Ha Ha. When we got back our tiredness and rubber legs did not stop us from jumping on the trampoline.

It wasn't long till our legs got tired and we collapsed.

For supper Venus made some amazing steaks on the BBQ. Haha It was my 3rd steak of the WEEK. I loved it. After supper we all went to the store to rent a movie to watch together. We got Last Holiday, starring Queen Latifah and LL cool J. It was a good movie. I liked it.

Below is a picture of Byrann climbing a tree in the back yard.

Sunday morning we went to church. All the Gowan’s helped lead worship. Christian on the drums, Will on the bass, Byrann on the tambourine and Venus doing media shout. It was nice going to St. Paul's again. It was like being home. For those of you who do not know I use to live in Hampton. That is how I know Christian and his family so well. I lived in Hampton for 3 years then moved to Fredericton. My dad was the Pastor at the Anglican Church there. I miss that place a lot, even more when I am there. There is such a sense of family in that church. I love kids running everywhere, all familiar faces and all the new faces I have yet to meet. It felt like home.

I arrived back home (Fredericton) around 5:00pm Sunday. We had a special dinner for my parents because it was there 29th WEDDING anniversary. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD! I cherish how much my parents love each other to pieces and that they center their relationship on God. It's amazing I love them so much.

Thank you mom and dad for being such amazing parents I love you. Thank you for loving each other with unconditionally. You have many more years ahead of you and may God bless every one of them, may He continue to show you new things every day. Be blessed this day and evermore.

Well that is my weekend adventures in a nut shell. Peace out.