Friday, February 24, 2006

Not Having fun with my Digi Cam!

Oh my goodness I am not very pleased right now. haa I came home this after noon and I have spent from about 6:00 to 9:00 trying to upload my pictures from my camera to my computer. It really disapoints me because today is the only day I can do it. I have the program already and it;s already installed and everything but the thing is , is don't remember HOW I uploaded my pictures from last time I did it. hahah yes you can laugh, because I know later I will laugh at myself for this.

I think I need to take a break from the computer though and find peace. Before I say anyting more. I love you all very much. You'll hear more about my heart and what God has been saying to me later. I need to go talk to Him right now. :)

For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything. 1John4:20

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

~Pray for the elders, the speakers and the leaders over us!~

Friday after school I hopped in the car with Skky, Katie, Courtney and Chad. We all went St. Stephen. The drive there and back was a lot of fun. I guess your asking why did we go to St. Stephen out of all places? hah There happened to be a worship service at The Christian community center so we went. It wasn't exactly what has expected but we still ended up having a good time.

I do believe that God put something on my heart that night. It was to begin praying for our leaders. No not... the leaders of Canada. Yes we do need to pray for them. When I say "leader" I mean go pray for those people that are speaking to the church. God called me to pray for the guy who was speaking Friday night. I said to God " God I am so young and he is a leader." God said " go and pray for him" Think about it... how often does the speakeer in the church get prayer from the young people? Probably not often. I really think it's time for the young people to be praying for the elders of the church and for our speakers. We are to encourage them through prayer and the love of God. God really spoke to me that night as I was praying over this man. To be honest I never knew his name and I wasn't very impressed with this talk but God still told me pray for him. We need to begin to pray for them today!

Friday, February 17, 2006

~ God's Song~

I was at my apartment just reading and soaking with God. Lately I have been feeling like God has been trying to give something to me I just haven't been able to fully see it yet. So I praying and I said alright God I know you are trying give something to me. I want whatever you are giving me.

Then I had a vision of myself in a white dress on the top a very high mountain. I could see nothing but sky and clouds. The grass was so green. (ha It kind of reminded me of Julie Andrews in the Sound of music.) I began dancing in the very center of the mountain. I was like GOD I WANT MORE!!! Then the heavens opened up and Jesus came down. We began to dance together for a while. Then we stopped and I began to talk to Him. I just simply said I want sing. I want to your voice to lead me in song and worship. Take me higher God. Then all of a sudden I looked up and there was this HUGE beam of light coming down and went right into my mouth and into my throat and my then belly. Right there I knew He was putting new songs, and new music into me. Then Jesus came over to me and prayed over me. He put His on my head and then brushed his hands from my shoulders down to my feet. Then beams of lights just began to come out of me every direction. I looked at Him and I ask him what is this? He said Take hold leader of worship and worship leader. I had no words in me I was speechless.

Then I got the sense He was telling to turn off my music and to now sing. So I did. I sang. I couldn't even believe the things I was singing. I never sang like that before it was all God. Before something even came to my mind it would come out of my lips first and I would be like where did that come from thank you Jesus.

Just to let those of who you don't know, know that before this I use to sing every now and then just around my apartment but not so much in front of people. I have always loved singing. I have never been bold enough to sing in front of people though. So that will be my next step with God. ha.

Anyways if you have any interpretations about this more than me please share them with me. Thanks.

Be Blessed

P.s This actualy dated from February 8, 2006 I took it from my my space and pasted it into here. I'll be doing that with a few of my other blogs as well.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Oh Thursdays....I love you.

I know that sounds a little off but if you were in my spot I guess you would know how I feel about them. From 8:30- 3:30 I have a regular day. Then at 4:00 there is a chapel service with communion that runs till 5:00. After chapel I leave right away to get in the car for my placement. I am placed at Church of the Good Shepherd. I lead youth group there. I get to the church probably around 5:30 and wait around for the kids to arrive at 6:00. Most nights Youth groups ends at 7:30 but tonight it's going to 8:00 because we are having a belated valentines party! haha. I'm really looking forward to it. I made chocolate chip cookies and valentines for all the kids.

There is a girl and her brother in the youth group who are moving away so it's going to be a good bye party as well. Boy I am REALLY going miss them a lot. In case you were wondering the kids in my youth are ages 8- 12 most of them are 10 and 11. I am really going to miss the youth group when I head home in May.

So back to my day... normally when it goes to 7:30 I don't get home till 8:00 but tonight I probably won't get home till 8:30. Oh boy it's going to be a loooong day. Tonight I am really looking forward to chapel because Dan Trecartin is coming in to talk and to do communion. When I go home in next weekend I hope to get some pictures up here and running and I will try to get a picture of my youth group to show everyone. They are amazing!! Anyways that's all for now folks.

I love you. Be Blessed

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Prayer Request

Hello There,

I don't know who you are or if someone is reading this blog or not, but if you are reading this I only have one request for you. Right now I am sitting in the computer lab at my school and trying to work on this paper I have due next week. All I ask is that you pray for me as I write my paper today. Pray that there will be a God given download of information into me and He will give me revelation on what I should be writing. Well thank you so much. Your prayers mean so much to me.

Be Blessed

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

~Love them...unconditionally~

Something that has been on my heart lately is that I am tired of how the church reacts to those who fall away from the Lord. The church turns there back towards them and act like they never even knew them. I find that to be immature and wrong at the same time. God has been teaching me a lot on unconditional love. I have had a couple of friends who have been dealing with a lot of stuff and people have turned their backs on them even the church has kicked them out, because of what they are doing. I do not understand why people do this. Do they no see that they are doing is exactly opposite of what Jesus did during His ministry days. Jesus went around and hung around with the "sinners" people like the prostitutes, the lepers, the tax collectors etc. We are to love these people not turn our backs to them. I know I have used this verse in my other blogs but it's so important....

Ephesians 5: 1-2. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

We are to be true IMITATORS of CHRIST!!! We are to love those who are unloved. Love them just the way they are! You have no idea these people that God has placed in my life I have such a huge love for them. They know I love them and that I am here for them and that God is with them. There are very few people who care about them right now. This is one thing that bothers me because people are too focused on themselves and don't bother in helping out those who are lost and hated. The story of the lost son is a great example Luke 15: 11-32 just only past verses 20-32

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'

"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.

"Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 'Your brother has come,' he replied, 'and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.'

"The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, 'Look! All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!'

" 'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'

Jesus waits for our return to Him He wants that intimate relationship with us. For us we just wait patiently till our friend is ready to come back to Christ. All you can do is pray and encourage and most importantly love them unconditionally. God also commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Matthew 22: 37-40 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

He's not just saying that He's meaning it. Meaning we need to love everyone. This was God first command. When we don't love each we don't love God fully...... wow. Think about that. Do you want an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ? You first need to love everyone unconditionally. Now I challenge you all to make a change in this and reach out to those in the church who are hated and lost make a change and love them.

Be Blessed my friends

I love you

~Like a little girl~

Like a little girl

I scribble the letters
of Your name on the notes
in my school book.
I write how much
I love you.
I can never
express the love
I have
for you.
Your love
for me
is pure

I want to give you
more than
what I can
write on paper.
I give you
my all,
my everything.
I am yours and
you are mine.

I love you more
than anything else
in the world.
You are my first
and my

Like a little girl
I go to sleep
and dream
about you
and your love
for me.

In my dreams
I see you dancing
with me.
It's not just
any dance
it's a
romantic dance

When I wake up
I put music on
that reminds
me of you
Your name
will never
leave my lips.
I will scream
Your name
from the top
of every

When you
look at me
you see a child,
you see a daughter,
you see a princess,
you see beauty,

Each day
I wait for
your coming.
I am patient
I am full
of peace.
I know
what you
have for me is
much better
than what
anyone else
can give me.

Like a little girl
who pictures
her wedding day
from the time she was 5
I wait for
and imagine
my bride groom,
but you
are much
better than
You are
I want
to be
by you.

You are
my night in shinning armor,
my shield,
my gentleman,
my lover,
my first love,
my King,

You are
my God.
I love you
with all
my heart.

~ Jessica Joyce

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

God's Heart and Cry

Alright this is just something I felt like sharing with everyone. This happened sometime late last week. I went to bed and then woke up around 10:30pm ( I went to bed really early that night) with the urge to talk to my mom. So I called and my brother answered the phone. He said she was already in bed. So I laid there in bed for a while just thinking. I began to think about my parents and how much I don't know them. I was thinking about how I wanted to know them. I wanted them to know me as my friends know me. I want to be real with them and feel open to say what I want with them. I want to know where they are with God and He is saying to them. Mostly I just want to know them, and I want them to know me. Then I began to cry because I was sad and upset that I didn't know my own parents and they didn't know me. I just laid there and cried.

Then God spoke to me through all this... He said now you know how I feel when I cry over my people, because I want to know them. They just don't have the desire to know me as I have to know them. God was showing me and giving me a piece of His heart. I was amazing. I just laid there and cried. I felt so good because I felt God's love surround me yet I felt pain because God was really showing how he was feeling and how His people. It was amazing. I can't put actual words to it. I can say God taught me a lot and showed me a lot though just that one night......... I want more...... of God..... more of His love.... more of His Heart..... more of His everything. I want all of Him.

Just my first one give me a break

So this is my very first blog in the blog spot place. I thought I should start it up so people can see and hear what I am doing these days. I can tell you now it's not going to be easy for me to blog here because I have another blog spot that I use much more but I'll do my best. I hope you are all doing well. I look forward to sharing with you what God has been laying on my heart and teaching me. May God be with you today and evermore. I pray that you will be blasted by the Holy Spirit.

Be Blessed