Friday, December 08, 2006

~Where Are The Women and Young Girls?~

I just recently write a paper for school of Chinese women and girls, and why they are missing. The question is why are there so many women and young girls missing in China? It is because there are people form Easter Europe that human traffic these women and young girls. They become poverty to pimps. What are they used for? Their jobs are now to sell their bodies for money. This sickens me. My hearts breaks for these people. The pimps have complete control over them. They can torture them, chain them, drug them, and put in them into brothel homes. There are young girls as young as 4 are being rapped on a daily basis. Jesus help people. The sex trade is a multi - billionaire industry. These women have no choice but to do have say they are told. Their lives have been snatched away from them. It hurts me so much. This isn't just happening to Chinese the women; it’s going on all over the world. This is the slavery of the 21st century.

God please I am asking for a break through. I am pray for freedom from slavery. Change the hearts of these people who are buying the women and children. Have these people turn the hearts to you Jesus.

It's time to be praying for women and young girls all around the world who have been bought into sex slavery. JESUS SHOW YOUR FACE TO THESE PEOPLE!!!! MY HEART ACHES! IT BREAKS!!!

Human Trafficking video on Youtube.

It's worth watching.

God Bless you this day

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