Friday, September 22, 2006

~Do You Like Deep Water?~

Luke 5: 1-11

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."

Jesus blessed Simon with lots of fish. So much fish they needed two boats to hold it and even then the boats began to sink. Imagine having so much fish that there was no possible way for you to carry it in your boat without your boat beginning to sink?

Jesus uses the situation with the fish for Simon to come and follow Jesus as His disciple.
Jesus said “Put out into DEEP WATER. Maybe Simon wasn’t in a deep enough area for catching fish. What Jesus really wanted was for Simon step out in faith and PUT his nets in to deep water.

Let’s look at this for ourselves. Many times when I think of deep water I think of, sharks, lots of fish, whales, jellyfish and lots of other kinds of sea creatures.

I know I am not much of a lover of water or swimming at that. I am a go-in-get-wet and get out kind of person. If that was my life with God do you think He would be happy with me? I do know He would want to see better in me. God does not want to see us in the shallow end. He wants us in the deep end, catching the “fish”.

What is the deep end? It’s when we let God use us to every opportunity and we obey Him fully even when it might be extremely hard. Also it’s when we use our gifts to His glory.
One of Simon’s gifts would have been the obvious, fishery. Even though he was out in the water all the time he used that gift to God’s glory.

When Jesus told Simon to put his out into deep water Simon did. He obeyed God. He had no idea to why Jesus was asking him to do it but he did it anyways.

That is what God wants to see in us. He wants to see that He can tell us to do something and then for us to do it.

After Simon catches all the fish Jesus says to Simon “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”

Jesus is saying that Simon is going evangelize to the people and bring them to true life with Jesus Christ. It’s almost as though Jesus is sending Simon out.

Now looking at ourselves again we are as well called to “catch men” We all know the great commission.
Matthew 28:18-20
The Jesus came to them and said; “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Now just as God called Simon to the deep water, so does God call us to the deep water.

Think of it this way. At football game or a soccer game, there will be people standing on the side lines watching and then there will be people in the game playing. God does not want us standing on the side lines watching He wants us in the field. He wants us want us to give it all we got under HIS couching!!

So now let me ask you some questions.

Do you like deep water?

Where are you in your life with God?

Are you in the shallow end by the shore?

Or are you in the deep end giving it all you have for God?

1 comment:

Shawn Branch said...

Great sermon Jess! Wish I could've I heard it.