Tuesday, October 03, 2006

~Little Update for October~

October has come and I am well into the school year. I am placed at Grace Harvest Church. I am really excited about being there and being apart of that community. I am excied for all the things God has planed for me this year.

The month of September was great. I really got to know the rest of the students. There is a girl in my house named Hilary. She is a first year student and she come all the way from B.C!! She is crazy. I am also living with Susan who is from Newfoundland. I lived with her last year. I love her. Then I am also living with Rachel who is from Ontario. She is really nice. Yes that is right there are 4 girls living together from all different parts of Canada! It's great!

Most nights guys with call our house and we will all hang out. Sometimes we will watch a movie or play dutch blitz. If we don't do that, we normally head to the chapel to worship as a community. I love it because we know each other so well. We are able be open and honest with each other. Things are going great around here and I am happy we are such a tight group of people. I know I can say this a mean it in every way, that we have such a tight bond with each other we are like a family. We are a family.

Here are some pictures....

Erin (second year student), Myself (second year student) and Hilary(first year student). Erin and I dyed our hair and Hilary cut her bangs. We cut Erin's as well.

Katie( first year student) and I being silly in her car! haha Hilary( first year student) relaxing in our living room

Susan and Rachel ( both 3rd year students) at a bonfire.Christian(3rd year student) and I at the bonfire at mispec beach

Well that is all for now friends. Just wanted to give you a little update of what has been happening.

Peace out


Adam O said...

Hey Jess!
Looks like you're having a great time at TC this year. Hope to see you sometime soon.
Adam O

Jen said...

I miss you Jess!!

lovesick vagrant said...

i totally want in on a game of dutch blitz

Erin said...

frig.. community life would have to be sweet when I leave.. go figure.. please pray for me!

Karen said...

how ya doing friend. we need to catch up!!