Monday, December 03, 2007

~Love is Deep~

So I imagine many of you have already read Christian’s blogs about our relationship. If you did not know he is out in B.C and I am in N.B finishing off school and then getting married to him in May. Christian has been pretty open in sharing his struggles and being real on his blog about his relationship with me.

Let me share with you my side of the relationship.

It’s been almost 7 months since I have last seen Christian. Has it been hard? YES, but I do not regret this separation at all. My relationship with him over these past 7 months has only grown deeper. You might find that hard to believe where we don’t ever see each other. Our only means of communication is either msn or the phone. I have learned so much about communication. You see Christian cannot see my face and know whether I am upset or happy... it is my job just to say what I am feeling. I have learned to stop hiding around the bush in hopes he might figure out what I am feeling, that is completely unfair to Christian and irresponsible of me. I need to be honest with Christian. I am not saying I haven’t been honest with Christian I saying I have learned more about just saying what I feeling and what I want instead having him trying to guess my emotions. I know this sounds easier said, but it is much harder done.I have struggled,grown and I have learned.

God has taught both Christian and I about love and how deep it runs. Everyone knows about 1 Corinthians 13: 1-8. Christian has been looking deep into that and as he has been doing this he been teaching me SO much about love and how deep it runs. I have spent some time studying it as well. I was involved in a small group at my church it just happened that the group started out by going over these verses. It was very powerful for me.

I have made some really big mistakes that I have felt to inadequate and worthless at times but yet Christian has been there for me saying I forgive you and I love you and let me pray for you.

I feel God’s peace all around me. God has been speaking peace into my life lately over and over again. He is even telling me to guard my peace. It has been amazing and I love being in God’s peace.

In these times of waiting for the wedding day I see God preparing me, the bride for the wedding day to meet my groom. He’s preparing my heart and teaching me many different things. My heart longs to God more. I just want Him to be glorified on our wedding day. I am a very excited bride to be and am looking forward to May 10th.

There is my honesty and mushiness.

P.s To all you girls be good to your guys and TELL them what you want and what your feeling. Do not expect them to just know. They are NOT mind readers.

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