Monday, November 27, 2006

~Fervent Prayer~

Alright so last night I attempted to post a blog but then my laptop froze on me and I wasn't very happy. It has been amazing though with everything God has been showing in the last couple of days. I am so marveled by His works and His beauty.

I have been re-reading Revelation and last night Christian and I ended up talking a lot about it. It was really cool what we both had to share about it.

Revelation 4: 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
Holy, holy holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was , and is, and is to come.

Imagine declaring God's praise day and night. Not because someone told you to or because it was some sort of conference and everyone was doing it. But because YOU wanted to pray and declare His name DAY AND NIGHT WITH NO STOPPING!!!! HOLY HOLY HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! WHO WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME!!!

Picturing the four creatures saying this over and over again to me is so beautiful. It's a fervent pray.

Lately The Lord has been showing me over and over again the words 'fervent prayer.' I really feel God is taking me into a season of fervent prayer. Fervent Prayer - passionate, intense, sincere, enthusiastic, fiery.I feel like something has changed in me after last night something good, something wonderful. I feel even closer to God then the night before. I love Jesus so much. I only want more of Him. I hope that this blog isn't just another blog for you; I hope it's not just a bunch of words on a screen to you. I hope you realize I am sharing my heart with you. I am sharing my personal relationship with Jesus Christ with you.

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come!!!

Revelation 8: 1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

Oh wow!!! Silence in heaven? Imagine all those crying holy to the Lamb, all the elders all those who were worshiping God, all of heaven went silent. I can't even picture it. Can you? It's so powerful to think about it. All of those creatures who were crying Holy, Holy, Holy... day and night were silent when the seventh was being opened.

I want to know You more Jesus, I want to know more about you. The only I can verbally express right now is that I love You Lord. I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! GOD YOU SO GOOD!!! SO POWERFUL!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

~I Love You Dad~

I know it has been a while since I last blogged. I was just taking a break. God has been showing me so much. Taking little simply things in my life that I already knew but God would give me more of revelation about it. It has been amazing. God you are so good to me.

One thing God revealed to was something so amazing. It was during the Miracles in the Maritimes conference. The plan was that my dad would be coming to the conference during the Saturday sessions but it turned out that Friday night when I came home I got a message that he would not be at the conference. I was disappointed because I really wanted to see him there. Then during worship at the conference I began to pray and intercede for him. I began to cry because I knew how much I loved my dad and how much I wanted to see him there. Then I began to cry harder because it was then God showed me something amazing. He was showing me how much my dad loved me and then how much more God my father loves me. Then I became very thankful that my dad did a very good job at showing me and teaching about who Jesus is since I was a young girl. Also by him being my dad and being the father figure in my life
he did not defile my perception on Jesus.

I have to say that where I am today is hugely influenced by my dad. I looked up to my dad in so many ways. I love listening to him speak about his fiery relationship with God. He has such wisdom and understanding. All I can say is that I love my dad and I love him more for introducing me to Jesus.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

~Miracles in the Maritimes~


Hey Everyone!

Reminder that there is a conference in Saint John at the Trade and Convention center. It begins November 2 and run till Novemeber 4th. Thursday evening, all day Friday and all day Saturday. I encourage everyone to go. The speakers are Brian Simmons and John Crowder. The worship is lead by Mike Smith. It's a worship conference everyone is welcome. It's $25 for a student and $45 for adults. I hope to see you there.

Come and bring all your friends! John Crowder will be speaking.....I think if not it will be Brian. Come!! The Friday night session starts at 7:00pm! God Bless you all!