Let me tell you though, I have learned things through this long dry season. I have learned for myself that even when it's dry we must seek God out with all our hearts (that is easier said, than done) I have experienced God's faithfulness, I have learned that the dry season is only a season... it's not forever!!! PRASIE THE LORD!!! I have learned that even in the driest times God will show Himself in unexpected ways!! Thank You LORD!!!
I am so full of the joy of the Lord. I have been brought out of this dry season. God has stirred this new passion, hunger and desire for me in my heart. Man I am so excited. I feel like my heart learned something. Ha if that makes any sense to you. I was watching a Todd Bentley Video and he was talking dwelling in the secret place. After I heard talk I felt my heart had been opened up to something new. I want to seek out God with all my heart, mind and soul. I want to dwell in the secret place. God has been giving so many more dreams, visions and words for people. I am so hungry!!!!!
Seriously there is so much I wish to share with you, but I can honestly I cannot put what my heart in feeling into words. The last couple weeks I have feeling God's love for his people. I was home group one night and I closed my eyes and I got vision of Jesus right before He was put on the cross. I saw Him getting beating and then I saw Him beating put on the cross. I felt as though I had revelation of the cross and God's love for us. Man it's incredible.
Today I went to the Good Friday service at my church. My dad and the Bishop carried down this huge cross from the back of the church to the front on their shoulders. Watching this was very moving. There was time anyone who wanted to go to the cross and kneel before it. I sat in my pew and starred at the cross. I began cry because it was so powerful. I felt God's heart I began to picture him on that cross.
It's easy for us to forget what God has done for us. I pray that everyone that reads this blog may have a whole new revelation of God's love for them and a revelation of the power of the cross. It's only through Jesus dying on the cross for us that we are able to have a relationship with him today. Remeber He died for You and me. He loves You so much that he was willing to die on a cross for you.I am so thankful for that. I pray that whatever it may be that is holding you back from knowing Jesus that, that may fall to the ground so you may draw near to Him. He is my first love and Ilove Him with all my heart. May He pour His Spirit down on you this night. I am so thirsty for more of God. Jesus fill me up with MORE OF YOU!!!